Brass Band Version

Reste Mes Amours… was inspired by the famous “Marignan” march. Initially, I extracted from the original march all the melodic, harmonic and rhythmic lines that interested me. I then had fun mixing, blending and twisting these lines, modifying them rhythmically and harmonically. The work, in 3 movements played attacca, is thus entirely based on the lines I obtained after these transformations.

If the themes are always more or less camouflaged and difficult to identify, the G and W passages are an exception: at these two very intimate moments in the work, the theme of the “Marignan” trio is clearly audible, even in the polytonal context in which it is played. This is a tribute to Jean Balissat and his fascinating treatment of the “Ranz des vaches” theme in his work “Le chant de l’alpe”.

With Reste Mes Amours…, a changeable, poetic piece which, in a way, speaks indirectly of my home canton and my relationship with it, I wanted to place musicality at the center, to create a work accessible to second- or third-rate ensembles, while leaving a rich margin for interpretation.

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