In life you must take risks sometimes. In my job, the risks are obviously extremely limited, however it calls for intense reflections. It is the case when two of my friends, Jonathan Paunet (flute, piccolo and alto flute) and Dany Bilardo (euphonium), commission me to write a duet for two instruments who are rarely put together. Thus, I have tried to take this bold gamble, finding my inspiration in their common passion for game soundtrack. It is the reason why the title refers not only to a fanciful creation, but also to the writing genre known as “high fantasy” which is set in a fictional world where magic is naturally existant (like in “the Lord of the Rings” for example).

The work consists in four parts based on a wistful waltz that you can find in the middle of the piece. It is, in a way, a theme and variations. The first part is dark and mysterious and can be interpreted as the announcement of a terrible threat. Here I tried to balance the sound of the euphonium with the low register of the alto flute. This part ends with a powerful tutti, like a call to the heroes who will defend people.

However, like it often happens in this kind of story, the heroes are not ready yet to accomplish their duty. It is why the atmosphere changes completely. The character of the soloists becomes suddenly naïve and the accompaniment performs funny repeated lines as well as burlesque and disordered effects.

Unfortunately, the situation does not last. An atmosphere, remarkably similar to the start, suddenly appears and forces the soloists to face reality. The following slow part (including the main theme) symbolises the evolution of the heroes: they gradually find the strength to face the difficulties.

Finally, the fourth part describes the success of the heroes and the end of their journey in a very virtuosic way.